The 13th General Election In Malaysia:
Winners and Losers – Part 1
By Matthias Chang
5th April 2012, Future Fastforward

Many political analysts have given their views in the mainstream media as well as in the alternative media as to how many seats Pakatan Rakyat or Barisan Nasional must secure to ensure victory in the next general election and how they can go about securing these seats of power.

I have no intentions to compete with crystal-ball gazers the likes of Raja Petra (RPK), Tun Daim and recently Tan Sri Abdullah Ahmad as well as the paid cyber-troopers on both sides of the political divide. It is an exercise in futility and the worst kind of intellectual masturbation. Yes, I am blunt and it’s about time that we face reality. RPK has said that bookies can foretell the outcome of elections and fortunes can be made by placing such bets. I have yet to find a multimillionaire / billionaire that made a fortune on the anticipated results of an election. If only it is that simple! Therefore, I do not indulge in fantasies!

But, this much I can say and I am going to say it loud and clear so that no one can accuse me of hedging my analysis. Anyone who has read my articles and my books will know that I always grounded my conclusions on extensive research and critical analysis. Hours late at night thinking, thinking and thinking and examining all options on the table is indispensable in arriving at an objective assessment. I do not write for the sake of advertisement revenues, as my website carries no advertisements. It is not dependent of external financial support and is not beholden to any organisation. It is independent!

In Part 1 of this article I want to focus on one issue and one issue only – which party will be the main beneficiary of the Malay votes?

In Part 2, I will give my opinion as to why and how one MAN – yes, I repeat ONE MAN will ultimately determine the outcome of the 13th General Election. I will give a hint – it will not be Najib, the Prime Minister or Anwar, the leader of the Opposition. It will also not be any former leaders! Think out of the box.

Part 1

The moment Parliament is dissolved, all frivolous bantering, speculations and gossips will stop and all Malays, without exceptions will have to confront the stark reality that their future will be bleak, in fact if truth be told, disastrous if they fail to prevent their rapid descent into economic obscurity and spiritual darkness. In essence, the Malays will have to decide which political party has the spiritual strength, ideological tenacity, moral fibre and discipline to prevent the rot and cancer that have ravaged the very soul of their community from reaching the terminal stage.

This will depend on several factors, namely:

1. Which political party personifies best, the qualities of a Muslim as laid down in the Holy Quran; A reminder from Surah 2:8 -18, Al Baqarah will suffice for the moment. Of the people there are some who say ‘We believe in God and the Last Day;’ but they are not true believers. They try to deceive God and the believers but, unknown to them, deceive only themselves. Sickness abides in their hearts and God increase their malady. A painful punishment awaits them for the lies they

And if someone says to them: ‘Do not sow discord in the earth,’ they answer: ‘We are merely trying to bring people together.’ In truth, they are sowers of discord, but they know it not.

And if someone says to them: ‘Believe as other people have believed,’ they answer: ‘Should we believe like the weak and ignorant?’ In truth, they themselves are weak and ignorant, but they know it not.

And when they meet the believers they tell them: ‘We believe’; but when alone with their devilish friends, they tell them: ‘We are with you. We were merely jesting.’ It is God Who jest with them. He gives them rope to go astray in their excess.

These are people who bartered true guidance for waywardness. The commerce did not profit them, nor are they rightly guided.
In likeness, they are like one who lit a fire. When the fire illumined his surroundings, God extinguished their light and left them in darkness, unseeing.  Deaf. Dumb. Blind. They do not repent.
2. Which party abuses Islam to strike fear, confusion and alienates the non- Muslims and prevents them from learning the true teachings of the Holy Quran?
3. Which party personifies corruption, abuse of power and injustice?
4. Which party can best strike a balance between the pursuit of spiritual wellbeing and material success?
How did I arrive at these four factors?

The Malays have been driven by fear mongers into believing that they will lose political power and economic wellbeing and would be dominated by another community. Additionally, Islam is under attack by Christians.

When viewed objectively, these lies have been propagated to buttress the psychological insecurity of the Malays (fostered by the British and now the Malay political / financial elites) and to perpetuate the “tongkat mentality” so as to weaken their faith in Islam and their self-esteem. For it is clear from Surah 2: verse 8 -18 that a devout Muslim having faith in God need not give in to fear and succumb to lies and should have the confidence that the light that illumine the truth would not be extinguished by God. For the Holy Quran enjoins all to do good deeds, to seek and spread the truth and not lies.

It is widely believed that without corrupt means, business would come to a standstill. This is a myth. But, the Malays accept this myth and assert that, that is why the Chinese are good at doing business!!!! If truth be told, this is a costly way of doing business and does not make sense. It is only because the system demands it, that businessmen succumb to this evil.

Corruption is an unnecessary and exorbitant cost and you can take it from me that all businessmen would prefer to conduct any business without any hidden costs. This is common sense for such hidden costs reduce the profits as such costs cannot be treated legitimately as a tax-deductible expense item. Given a choice, any businessman would prefer to conduct his business without corruption.

It is not a coincidence that when non-Muslims are overcoming their fear of Islam and showing an appreciation of the true teachings of Islam as embodied in the Holy Quran, there has been a concerted effort to sow confusion, discord and fear as the preferred means to rally the Malays to a specific political cause. This is contrary to the exhortation:

And if someone says to them: ‘Do not sow discord in the earth,’ they answer: ‘We re merely trying to bring people together.’ In truth, they are sowers of discord, but they know it not.

Therefore, is it right and proper to make the non-Malays and Christians the scape-goats in order to rally the Malays to support a particular political agenda?

People have short memories. The Malays should read all the headlines in all the mainstream media in the nine months leading up to the 2008 general election. Are there any similarities to the headlines in the mainstream newspapers from 2011 till now?

Then ask yourself:
Why did I vote against the Badawi regime to the extent of denying Barisan Nasional its two-thirds majority in Parliament and delivering five state governments to the Opposition coalition?

Were you motivated by anti-Chinese feelings of resentment? I am sure you were not! Were you motivated by the fear that Islam was under attack by Christians? I am sure you were not!

Were you motivated by the fear that Malays would lose political power to the non-Malays? I am sure you were not! Ask yourself: “Have things changed for the better?” If yes, vote accordingly. If not, and the rot remains, follow your conscience and vote as you did in 2008.

When you voted against the Badawi regime in 2008, did you vote to weaken the Malays or to strengthen the moral fibre of your community and to get rid of the rotten apples?

When you voted against the Barisan Nasional in 2008, did you not vote for change, a change for the better so that your children and their children would not be burdened by the corruption and excesses?

When you voted against the Barisan Nasional in 2008, why were you not seduced and enticed by the extravagant promises of more money, privileges, fat contracts and political dominance?

When you voted against the Barisan Nasional and voted for the Opposition coalition in 2008, what motivated you to place your confidence in the Opposition parties?

I am therefore confident that if the Malays (in fact all Malaysians) exercise their minds and think rationally and objectively, they would know without the slightest hesitation as to which Malay political party they should vote for in the coming general election.

To the Malays, I say that the Holy Quran should be your guide (specifically as I have highlighted the exhortation in Surah 2:8 -18 Al Baqarah).

To the Christians, I say that the Sermon on the Mount of the New Testament should be your guide.

To the Hindus, I say that the sacred teachings in your Holy Scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita should be your guide.

To the Buddhists, I say that the sublime wisdom of the Dhammapada should be your guide.

To the Atheists, I say that your conscience should be your guide.
The High Priests of Money have beckoned you to worship at the Altar of Money and have dispensed with money like confetti to seduce you withtemporary wealth and comfort.

Do not succumb to this money opium. A drug addict can be cured by the painful treatment of “Cold Turkey”. But, the money opium addict has no earthly cures.

The money opium addiction ravages your soul and leaves you Deaf, Dumb and Blind and confined in darkness. This will be the fate as proclaimed in the Holy Quran.


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