Telling the Truth about Islam will soon be a Felony
By Bernie
Freedom of Speech means nothing if you can't call someone a nigger, kike, spic, faggot, fatpig, slanteye, slope, beaner, coon, wop, towel head, hymie, jigaboo, jungle bunny, gook, guinea, greaseball, hebe, kraut, porch monkey, raghead, sambo, spade, cracker, dago, gwailo, honkie, nip, spook, macaca or even the culinary insult: Cheese-eating surrender monkey.
If you are so offended by any of these terms that you want to make it a federal crime to utter them, then fuck you. Hate speech threatens the freedoms of no one; criminalizing hate speech threatens the freedoms of everyone. Fags who want it to be a felony to make hateful remarks about them should go to Iran where there is no freedom of speech; it should be noted that Iran also hangs fags.Some religious groups are worried that the proposed hate crime law will be used to silence them in their criticism of gays. While I think anyone who goes out of his way to condemn gays is a nosy-body idiot, I think any law that prevents certain Christian groups from saying vicious, nasty things about gays is even more dangerous than the hate-speech itself 1.
While I do not endorse or support evangelical Christians I am concerned about hate-speech legislation that would punish them (or anyone) for speaking out against Islam. View this video: Hate Law Jihad: Criminalizing Islam's Critics
As I wrote in my article The Right to Insult Muslims: Muslims hate Freedom of Speech because it is an impediment to the spread of Islam.
As a Jew I want to live in a country where everyone has a right to insult Jews. Any nation with the freedom to insult others is an excellent safe haven for any minority. That's right. Homosexuals are more free in America because the very freedom that allows us to call them faggots also makes them free to practice their particular sexual faith.
Regarding gays, let me mention that a few years ago I wrote a Gay-dating program for Next Magazine, a New York based weekly for fags on the go and available in almost any store in Chelsea or the West Village. I have no problem working around, with, and for homosexuals nor would I be greatly perturbed if either or both of my sons turned out to be gay (other than disappointment in not having grandchildren). Would I prefer they be straight? Yes. Would I still love them if they were gay? Again, yes. I don't believe in God, but if there is a God, then he made them gay, and so who am I to argue with his grand plan? A tip of the turban
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