Talbis Iblis 2.1 Muqaddimah & Tujuan Kitab diSusun
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Delusions of the Devil By Abu'l Faraj Ibn Jauzi,(510H) Translated By D.S. Margoliouth Edited By N.K. Singh Published In India Paperback 2 Volme Set The work of which a tranlations is here offered is directed against the sins of contemporary society, which it traces to 'delusion by the Devil.' Its title ( Talbis Iblis ) of which those words are a rendering, had been previously selected by Ghazali for a work of similar scope which he contemplated. Ibn Jauzi, though he handles Ghazali severely, adopted it by far the greater part of the book is criticism or censure of the sufis, who, owing to the establishment of Orders by Ibn al-Rifa' and ' Abd al-Qadir al-Gilani in the sixth century if Islam, were beginning to render them, especially in North Africa, a political factor. This work was not written against Sufis but an indictment of all unorthodox doctrines and practices, regardless of their sources, and opposed any which he considered unwarranted innovations in the rule of Shari`a, wherever found in the Islamic community, especially in his time. It was written against specific innovated practices of many groups, including the philosophers (al-mutafalsifa), the theologians (al-mutakallimun), hadith scholars (`ulama' al-hadith), jurists (al-fuqaha'), preachers (al-wu``az), philologists (al-nahawiyyun), poets (al-shu`ara'), and certain Sufis. It is in no way an indictment of the subjects they studied and taught, but was an indictment of specific introductions of innovation into their respective disciplines and fields. Ibn al-Jawzi actually wrote many books of manaqib or "merits" about the early Sufis, such as Manaqib Rabi`a al-`Adawiyya, Manaqib Ma`ruf al-Karkhi, Manaqib Ibrahim ibn Adham, Manaqib Bishr al-Hafi, and others. His Sifat al-safwa (The manners of the elite) an abridgment of Abu Nu`aym's Hilyat al-awliya' (The adornment of the saints), and his Minhaj al qasidin wa mufid al-sadiqin ( Mukhtasar Minhaj Al-Qasidin,] Towards The Hereafter by Ibn Qudama which is available at www.kitaabun.com is actually based on Ibn Jawzi's Work ) , this book is considered pillars in the field of tasawwuf. He was prompted to write the latter by the success of Ghazali's Ihya' `ulum al-din, and indeed the Minhaj adopts much of the methodology and language of the Ihya' in addition to treating the same subject-matter, self-purification and personal ethics. Jamal al-Din Abu' I-Faraj 'Abu al-Rahman b. Ali, popularly known as Ibn al-Jauzi, 510 A.H.---- 599 A.H. ( A.D.116 - A.D.1200), was the author of a vast number of works - theological, historical, biographical, medical, philological, and entertaining - of which several have been printed in recent times. He was famous as a preacher and the traveller Ibn Jubair gives an enthusiastic account of two of his sermons heard in Baghdad. He was born in the city of Baghdad and grew up studying under the leading scholars of the time, He also was noted for his scholarship in the fields of history, linguistics, tafseer and fiqh. In fact, he became the leading scholar of the Hanbali Madhab of his time and played an important role in reviving and spreading it, especially after the become a favorite of the Abassid Caliph, al Mustadi Ibn al-Jawzi was severely tried towards the end of his life when his criticism of Shaykh `Abd al-Qadir al-Gilani - his senior of forty years - led to accusations made against him to the Sultan al-Nasir by the Shaykh's children and supporters. He was taken from Baghdad to the city of Wasit where he remained imprisoned for five years In the year 1199, he was released and returned to Baghdad, where he died two years later. Ibn al Jawzee lived to the ripe old age of 87. Also Available in Arabic ![]() See also:
'Satan makes them promises, and creates in them false desires; but Satan's promises are nothing but deception' {TM Qur'an An-Nisa 4:120} |
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