Problem in today's dating seems to be a common phenomenon among young people. Maybe this phenomenon as a result of the influence of love stories in the novel, novels, films and song lyrics. So impressed that life in adolescence should sprinkled with flowers of romance, romance stories, a couple must remain as a place for swapping stories and sharing.

So far, there has been no seeing standard notion of dating. But at least in which there will be a form of intercourse between men and women without marriage.

If further review is seeing a part of Western culture. Because Western society is usually passed the phase of hetero-sexual relations in human life before marriage like puppy love (puppy love), come (out), going steady (going out), and engagement (engagement).

However they are dating, if you sexual freedom in dating is defined as a husband-wife relationship, then they firmly rejected. However, it is not so if interpreted as an expression of affection and love, as a means to choose life partner. But in reality, people will be difficult in terms of dating dangers than usings. One example: people tend to remember her dating. Leisure time (eg for students) filled many things like daydreaming or fantasizing. Mandate to study reduced or even abandoned. Usually students still receive transfers from their parents. Is the money sent to live and buy books is not absorbed to seeing it?

Based on the scholars looked at, that this model is going out the mandate dhalim parents. Socio cultural religious society, going out to invite the calumny, and even quite naive. Like it or not, people are dating will gradually erode the Islamic infiltration of the heart, can even lead to the destruction of morals and morality. Na'udzubillah min dzalik!

There have been many images dating from moral destruction, or promiscuity that has occurred due to science and modern civilization (westernization). Islam itself as the perfection-relegions no less sophisticated explanation about dating. Dating in Islam is identified as what made Prophet Muhammad: "If one of you proposed to a woman, if she could see the woman who would couple, then take a look." (Reported by Ahmad and Abu Daud).

But Islam is also, clearly states that the date is not the way the blessed God, because many aspects dangers. Every person who tends to date to meet, sit, go, hang out, both. This is clear violation of the shari'ah! Prohibition against seeing or hanging out not brothers or not his wife. As stated in Bukhari and Muslim from Ibn Abbas that means: "Let not one of you lonely darkness (seclusion) with a woman, unless along with muhrimnya." Tabrani and Al-Hakim also narrated Hudzaifah in another hadith: "the eye's glance was poisoned arrows of Satan, he who left because of fear of Me, then I'll replace it with perfect faith that she could feel herself sweatless meaning. "

But it may also exist between those who try to "argue" with the argument is based on a hadith of the Prophet Imam Abu Dawud narrated the following: "He who loves for Allah, hates for Allah, or give because God, and do not want to give due God, then that person really has perfected his faith. " as they are the people who have a strong faith rope, which is not gonna fall (too) far in sailing "world of dating" them. But we are also entitled to ask: how far are they able to control the wheel "boats going out" is? And if we revert back to the hadith which they have mentioned it, that he who loves because God is one aspect of a person of faith prefect, and they really love each other truly for God? And how did they realize "love for God" is? If (for example) there is the ride on a bicycle, bicycle rack, two-pair, or even to go to private parts (in the proper sense but tread face and two hands) for the girls, or others, whether it be categorized as "love for God? " The answer is clearly no!

In this regard, the role of parents is very important in monitoring their children socially, especially the more this leads to interactions with other species. Is a negligence case when parents let their children mix freely with no brothers. Therefore a wise attitude to parents when they saw her it was time to get married and then ask the marry immediately conducted. Because there are five cases to be in a hurry doing- fast
1 bury jenajah
2 married his son
3 to pay debts meal to serve
4 meal to serve people musyafir
5 repentance to the gods.

Article II
where is dating actually it, nice guns' is it? Danger is it? Yes seeing what we should do if mo look for our spouses? What is actually There were Islamic dating, and how we respond to that?
Having a sense of love is the nature of

When the heart've hit Cupid's darts, contracted the virus in love, as a result ...... great man ...... which only the by remember he wants always alone, will eat him remember, dreams when he slept. Even more people fall in love is willing what is do for love, what would do wrote for love, all done for the love he added. The ending ....... dating. Was added nurtured in love, hearts full of flowers. More serious, because he wants evidence in love, can make a protruding belly (pregnant). Because love can drink Baygon broking. Because love is rejected .... shaman acting, too.

Actually, given the nature of human life the same potential, where the potential was then always encourage people to do activities and demanded satisfaction. This potential alone can we know in two forms. First, which requires the fulfillment of a certain nature if not 'human met gonna die. This is called physical needs (haajatul 'udwiyah), such as the need to eat, drink, sleep, breathing, shitting de el el. Second, requiring the just fulfillment but if not 'human met not guns' going to die, just be anxious (guns 'quiet) left fulfillment of these demands, the so-called instinct or desire (gharizah). Then this instinct is divided into 3 important kinds are:
Gharizatul Baqa '(the instinct to defend themselves) such as fear, love of wealth, love the position, wants recognized, ETC.

Gharizatut tadayyun (instinct to purify something / religious instinct) is the human tendency to worship / religion to something that is worthy of worship that god yes SWT
Gharizatun nau '(instincts to develop and preserve the species) can be manivestation our compassion to the mother,friends, brothers, the need to love and affection to the opposite sex.
Dating in the Islamic perspective

In fact, dating is a container between two beings who love, which often pinch-pinch, look-look, hold, grip, grope around until the social-illegal (sex). Islam has clearly stated: "And come not nigh to adultery: for adultery is an act of evil and a bad way." (Q. S. Al-Isra ': 32)

Often when going out much anymore other activity that the Sunnah is obligatory nor forgotten. Sadently during prayer time to remember the do'i. Anyway activity was close to really going out with adultery. So .... bottom line is unlawful PACARAN ITU, and no Islamic legitimacy for him, as for thousands or millions and dating reason is forbidden.

The recipe prophet narrated by Abdullah ibn Mas'ud: "O youth, whoever of you should be able to marry a family, because in fact the marriage will survive and maintain eye cunt chastity (genitals). And if any of you have not been able , then let fasting, because fasting can be a barrier against the turmoil of passion. "(Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim, Ibn Majjah, and Tirmidhi).

Do not like Proxl or a quiet place alone, because the third is the devils. As word of the prophet: "Let not a man, and seclusion of women (alone in a quiet place), because devils accompany him, not one of you seclusion with a woman, unless accompanied by a brother" (Narrated by Imam Bukhari, Muslim).
And for the Muslim women do not forget to close her body not to encourage the men. Say to the believing woman: "Let their gaze and guard their chastity, and let them show her jewelry, except that (usually) appear thereof. And let them put a veil of cloth to her chest, and do not reveal her jewelry." (Q. S. An-Nur: 31).
And also because the Prophet: "Let us be truly cloused pubic eye and maintain, or actually God will shut your eyes." (Narrated by Thabrany).

That needs to remember that the partner is making up '(conditions) of God, which man guns' have anything at all, human beings can just seeking a good match according to Islam. Stated in the Qur'an: "The women are for vile men cruel, and men of evil is for women who were violent (too), and the women are good for men who good, and men are good for women who either (too). They (the accused) was clear of what they are accused of (the accused's). For them forgiveness and a sustenance of noble (heaven). "
And Allaah knows best-bish Showab


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